31 Almost 2,100 Sexual Violence Incidents Took Place In The Nation's Correctional Facilities During 2004, Issued by U. S. Bureau of Justice Statistics on July 31,2005, in: www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs
32 For B1oomberg, It’s Good to Be A Billionaire, The Washington Post, December 6, 2005.
33 Lessons of 2005, The Washington Post, November 10, 2005.
34 The Road to Riches Is Called K Street, The Washington Post, June 22, 2005; [英國]《觀察家報(bào)》(The Observer)2006年1月8日。
35 Travel by Congress Often Paid Privately, USA Today, April 26, 2005.
36 New Survey Finds That the Vast Majority of Americans Believe Their Leaders Are Out of Touch With the Average Person, Issued by U. S. News & World Report, Washington D.C., October 24, 2005.
37 Bush’s Approval Rating Drops to 39%, Lowest of Presidency, USA Today, October 18, 2005.
38 “Corruption...Very Extensive”, USA Today, January 4, 2006.
39 [智利]《第三版時(shí)報(bào)》2005年12月11日報(bào)道。
40 Planted Propaganda, The Washington Post, December 2, 2005.
41 法新社倫敦2005年11月22日電。
42 U.S. Ranks Sixth Among Journalists, Report Says, The New York Times, December 14, 2005.
43 美聯(lián)社華盛頓2005年7月6日電。
44 BBC 2005年9月7日報(bào)道。
45 路透社倫敦2005年4月25日電。
46 The Other America, Newsweek, September 19, 2005.
47 Millionaire Ranks Hit New High, The Wall Street Journal, May 25, 2005.
48 Income Stable, Poverty Rate Increases, Percentage of Americans Without Health Insurance Unchanged, Issued by U. S. Census Bureau on August 30, 2005, in: www.census.gov
49 National Count Of Homeless Puts Issue In Human Terms, USA Today, October 12, 2005.
50 U.S. Conference Of Mayors-Sodexho, Inc. Hunger And Homelessness Survey 2005, in: www.usmayors.org
51 Lifting up The Poor, Letters To The Editor, The Washington Post, October 28, 2005.
52 The Employment Situation: November 2005, Issued by U. S. Department of Labor on December 2, 2005. in: www.bls.gov
53 The New York Times, January 1, 2005.
54 Average Family Health Policy Nears $11,000, USA Today, September 15, 2005.
55 Passport to Health Care at Lower Cost to Patient, The Washington Post, November 6, 2005.
56 Years Have Done Little to Help Local Blacks, By Carla Rivera, Los Angeles Times, July 14, 2005.
57 Income Stable, Poverty Rate Increase, Percentage of Americans Without Health Insurance Unchanged. Issued by U.S. Census Bureau on August 30,2005, in: www.census.gov
58 The State Of black America 2005, Issued by National Urban League on April 6, 2005, in: www.nul.org
59 Fed: Minorities Pay More for Loans, USA Today, December 14, 2005
60 The Employment Situation: November 2005, Issued by U.S. Department of Labor on December 2, 2005, in: www.bls.gov
61 The State Of Black America 2005, Issued by National Urban League on April 6, 2005, in: www.nul.org
62 Income Stable, Poverty Rate Increase, Percentage of Americans Without Health Insurance Unchanged. Issued by U.S. Census Bureau on August 30,2005, in: www.census.gov
63 The State Of Black America 2005, Issued by National Urban League on April 6, 2005. in:www.nul.org
64 HIV Cases Among Blacks Show Decline Since 2001, The Washington Post, November 18,2005.
65 A New Civil Rights Movement, The New York Times, December 26, 2005.
66 Years Have Done Little to Help Local Blacks, By Carla Rivera, in: Los Angeles Times, July 14, 2005.
67 [墨西哥]《千年報(bào)》(Milenio)2005年10月2日報(bào)道。
68 The State Of Black America 2005, Issued by National Urban League on April 6,2005, in: www.nul.org
69 Misunderstandings Cloud Death Penalty Findings, The Baltimore Sun, December 20, 2005
70 Study Notes Upswing in Arrests of Women, The Washington Post, October 24, 2005.
82 National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Hindustan Times, October 24, 2005.
83 Crime in the United States, 2004, Issued by FBI on October 17,2005, in: www.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr.htm
84 Update 5:Military School Sexual Harassment Persists, Associated Press, December 24, 2005
85 Nation’s Prison and Jail Population Grew by 932 Per Week, Issued by U.S. Department of Justice on April 24, 2005, in: www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs
86 Almost 2,100 Sexual Violence Incidents Took Place in the Nation’s Correctional Facilities During 2004, Issued by U.S. Department of Justice on July 31, 2005, in: www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs
95 Number of Death Row Inmates Declined for Fourth Year During 2004. Issued by U.S. Department of Justice on November 13, 2005, in: http;// www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs
96 Jailed for Life After Crimes as Teenagers, The New York Times, October 3,2005.
97 Bush Puts Deaths of Iraqis at 30,000, USA Today, December 13, 2005.
98 路透社伊拉克拉馬迪2005年8月13日電。
99 U.S. Citing Abuse in Iraqi Prisons, Holds Detainees, The New York Times, December 25, 2005;New Reports Surface About Detainee Abuse, The Washington Post, September 24, 2005.
100 The Sunday Times, December 30, 2005.
101 The New York Times, November 3, 2005.
102 CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prison, The Washington Post, November 2, 2005.
103 Rebellion Against Abuse, The Washington Post, November 3, 2005.
104 CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prison, The Washington Post, November 2, 2005.